


Q. 如果我的学生想被保安护送到另一个地方,他们可以联系谁 在学校或他们的车里?

A. 为了校园社区的安全和便利,365bet校园警察提供 a security escort service within the confines of the campus. 保安陪护服务 经营24/7. To obtain an escort, phone 931-221-7786.

Q. 如果我的学生注意到有什么东西看起来不对头,他们能做些什么吗 普通的?

A. 发送 匿名 texts or picture messages to 校园警察 at 931-494-6672.

Q. What does 365bet do to ensure my student is safe on campus?


Q. What can my student do to stay safe on campus?


Q. Does 365bet have an emergency notification system?

A.  是的,学生可以通过Rave Alert注册接收短信或电子邮件提醒. Use the following website to register: www.阿卜苏.edu/emergency-managment/emergency-notifications/index. 他们也可以帮你报名! 的 University also has a siren on campus to help alert the campus community about severe weather and instructions.


Q. 是什么? hours for 健康 Services?

A: 医生几个小时

B. 执业护士小时数

Q. 提供什么服务??

A. 保健服务处提供初级和预防性保健、妇女和男子保健、免疫接种 还有过敏疫苗. Appointments recommended but no required. 这是免费的 currently enrolled students to be seen at 健康 Services.

Q. 我在哪里可以找到关于卫生服务的所有问题的答案?

A. 的 博伊德健康服务网站 或致电931-221-7707.


Q. When does my student need to apply for financial aid?

A. 的 FAFSA (免费申请联邦学生援助)应每年完成,并成为 10月1日上市. 某些类型的经济援助只能以先到先得的方式提供, so do not delay in submitting the FAFSA. 365bet的FAFSA代码是003478.

Q. Who is eligible to receive financial aid?

A.  请参考的清单 资格要求

Q. How will my student be notified of a financial aid award?

A. 奖励通知将通过美联社电子邮件发送,并可在 AP一站. 学生应按照“一站通”上的指示接受奖项. 允许的时间 对于接受奖励,这需要审查联邦奖励信息.

Q. What is federal work study and how does my student qualify?

A. 联邦工作学习是由联邦政府赞助的一项就业计划. 要申请,学生必须填写联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)。 每年,并满足优先公布的截止日期以及联邦资格 需求. Learn More about Federal Work Study

Q. 如果我对经济援助过程感到困惑,我可以向谁求助?

A. 你的学生应该联系他/她的经济援助顾问寻求答案. 请 参考 辅导员名单.

学术支持中心 & 浓缩

Q. 提供什么服务? at the 学术支持中心 & 浓缩?


Q. What is FERPA and how does it affect my student and me?

A. 的 Family Educational Rights and 隐私 Act (FERPA) protects the privacy of your student's education records. 一旦你的孩子满18岁 或者在高中以上的学校上学,你就不能再访问他或她的记录了 without consent according to federal law. If you want to access your student's 365bet 记录,他或她必须填写FERPA:学生发布机密信息 form. 你的学生必须将表格提交到艾灵顿大楼的注册办公室, 316房间. 在讨论之前,我们的工作人员会检查是否有FERPA表格存档 你的学生记录. 你的学生 can also provide you access to their 万仕达 by 给你他/她的登录信息,在那里你可以查看经济援助,学生账户, 课表及成绩.

Q. Where can I access the University Academic 日历?

A. 的 校历 can be accessed at www.阿卜苏.edu/academic-calendar. Be sure to click on the correct term on the website. 您可以从秋季或 spring, Clarksville campus, and Fort Campbell campus.

Q. Where can my student get a transcript?

A. 学生可向注册主任办公室索取成绩单副本 any time permitting there are no holds on the student's account. 学生亦可 request a transcript online from AP一站.  

Q. 成绩单的费用是多少?成绩单的处理速度有多快?

A. 成绩单不收费,除非学生要求成绩单 待传真. 的 fee for faxing a transcript is $1.每页00美元. 记录请求 will be processed in the order received. 请 allow 5-7 business days to process transcripts submitted through AP 万仕达. 请 allow 7-14 business days to process 所有其他成绩单要求.

Q. 什么是学位指南针?

A. 这是一个由Austin Peay开发的课程推荐系统,旨在帮助学生 find courses based on their talents and majors. It is designed to assist students 在他们的课堂上取得成功,并使用以前的课程和成功 在这些课程中.


Q. What does my student need to be able to park on campus?

A. Students are required to register their vehicle to park on campus.  Students can register their vehicle at this link. Resident students must park in their assigned hall parking lot. 通勤者必须停车 in lots designated in green or open parking (black). Students should not park in 艾达 或指定的蓝色停车位,但没有适当的停车登记 空间. Doing so will result in a state-enforced parking fine of $200.

Q. Does 365bet provide transportation around campus?

A. 是的,与克拉克斯维尔交通系统(CTS),学生会合作 协会通过Peay接送为学生提供免费的校园交通 trolley and FREE transportation around town on CTS buses. 学生必须出示他们的 有效的365bet ID和有效的Peay接送卡可以免费乘坐电车 和CTS总线. 学生凭停车证或停车卡领取接送卡 他们可以在开学前几天在大学中心的大厅里领取.

Q. 是什么? hours of operation for the Peay Pickup trolley?

A. 周一至周五,7:30.m. 到晚上7点.m., through final exams each semester

Q. 学生是否需要提供任何形式的身份证明才能免费乘车?

A. 是的,365bet的学生,教师和工作人员必须向Peay皮卡车操作员出示 a valid Peay Pickup 卡 and a valid Govs I.D. 卡.


Q. What are on-campus housing options for enrolled students?

A. 的 following link lists on-campus options for students: www.阿卜苏.edu/housing/apartments-residence-halls.

Q. 学生有宵禁吗?

A. 没有宵禁. Students may come and go as they please, although certain outside doors are locked at specified hours. Students need to carry their ID 卡s and keys 随时和他们在一起.

Q. 我在哪里可以找到关于住房的所有问题的答案?

A. 联系 住房/住宿生活和餐饮 Services at 931-221-7444.

Q. 在假期和休息期间,许多学生住在他们的宿舍?

A. 学生宿舍在感恩节、寒假和春假期间保持开放. 除本校外,其他休息期间可提供特别住宿安排 保留在每次中断的基础上作出此类决定的权利. 会有 be a daily charge for occupancy during specific break periods.

Q. 如果学生们被锁在宿舍外面怎么办?

A. 如果你的学生被锁在门外,他们应该联系RA(住宿助理)。 或校园警察.  Students should always keep his/her Govs I.D. 和他们在一起 可以确认访问. Signs are hanging up in each hall to know who to contact at which time.

Q. Are students who live on campus required to purchase a meal plan?

A. 如果学生住在校园里,根据他们的住房协议,他们必须购买 饮食计划. 如果学生是新生,他们有四种选择 来自:无限制套餐或每周19、14或10餐.  

Q. 是什么? 就餐选择 在正常时间以外的校园里?



Q. How can I send my student a 卡 or package?


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请 contact us, we are here to support you and your student!  

(931) 221-6570