


The University’s guideline explaining how to file an appeal for a fee adjustment is 网上. 请参阅以下可接受的理由(www.阿卜苏.edu/appeals),收费已作调整. 如果你的情况符合上述标准, 完成 吸引力的形式 并提交给招生和学生成就办公室(ESA). 支持 documentation must be sent to the ESA office within five (5) business days of the 提出上诉. 欧空局办公室将通过电子邮件提供书面决定 到上诉人的365bet官方电子邮件帐户. 欧空局的决定可能是 appealed in writing to the Fee Adjustment Appeals Committee, which meets twice each 秋季和春季学期. 委员会主席将以书面形式作出决定 通过电子邮件发送到上诉人的365bet官方电子邮件帐户. 不利决定的上诉 made by this committee must be in writing to the Assistant Vice President for Finance 和管理. 将对向该办公室提出上诉的事项作出书面决定 发送到学生的官方电子邮件帐户. 费用调整到此结束 上诉程序.


  • 秋季学期,秋季第一学期和秋季第二学期. 次年15日
  • 春季学期、FC第一春季学期和FC第二春季学期. 同年15日
  • 夏季(满),夏季I,夏季II和夏季III FC:十二月. 同年1月1日

在规定的截止日期之后收到的上诉将不予考虑. 寻求帮助, 请致电931-221-6540与招生和学生成就部联系.

Any applicant who does not fulfill requirements for any category of admission may 他被要求提交一份 上诉进一步覆核表格 由大学招生标准委员会(http://www.阿卜苏.edu/governance/committees/AdmissionStandCom.php). 如需帮助,请联系招生办公室,电话:931-221-7661.

Students who have been classified as out-of-state for fee payment purposes may appeal 通过填写居留申请获得他们的居留分类. 新学生 must submit the completed form and supporting documentation to the Office of 招生, Ellington Lobby, and currently enrolled students must submit their materials to the 书记官长办公室,艾灵顿316. 所有的上诉必须在…之前提交 提起上诉的期限之初. 适用于当前 如果学期已经开始,将不被接受. 希望继续深造的学生 appeal the decision of the Office of 招生 or the 司法常务官办公室 may do so by contacting the 司法常务官办公室 and requesting for the application 由住院医师上诉委员会覆核.


交通 fines and citations may be appealed through accessing the Appeal form found 在365bet停车和运输网站上. 如需帮助,请联系 停车和交通部门,电话:931-221-7275.

住宿费和餐费可使用 房屋上诉表格. 表格必须打印,填妥后交至宿舍办公室 在米勒大厅. 如需帮助,请联系住宿、住宿生活和餐饮 服务电话:931-221-7444.

The purpose of the University’s Student Grade Appeal policy is to hear students’ grievances 关于一门课程的最终分数或评价方法. 学生可能 根据学生成绩上诉政策,对课程成绩提出上诉.阿卜苏.edu/policy. Once a degree has been posted to the transcript, the academic record is deemed complete 在公布的学位之前获得的成绩不会改变.

政策2:040 详细说明不服成绩的程序. 学生首先应该尝试解决 如果可能的话,和教员的问题. 如果这个尝试不令人满意,那么 student should then appeal in writing to the department chair in the area where the 讲师是会员. 部门助理可以提供有关的信息 系主任的名字. 如果在这一层次上不能解决问题,那么 学生可以向院系院长提出申诉. 如果上诉 needs to proceed further than the dean, the dean will forward the appeal to the Student 学术投诉委员会(http://www.阿卜苏.edu/governance/committees/studgrev.php). 院长将以书面形式通知学生最终决定.

The purpose of the University’s Non-Academic Grievance policy is to hear students’ grievances and complaints about the action and performance of University personnel in non-academic matters, to determine the validity of the grievance or complaint and 建议解决方案. 看到 政策3:002在www.阿卜苏.edu/policy. 如需帮助,请联系学生事务办公室,电话:931-221-7341.

The Office of Student Affairs will consider a special circumstance withdrawal if the 符合退出条件. 所设定的标准可酌情更改 学生事务处主任. 所有与特殊情况有关的必要文件 退学申请须递交学生事务处,地址为 studentaffairs@阿卜苏.edu. All necessary paperwork related to a specific course drop because of special circumstance 须将表格递交至 sa@阿卜苏.edu. 

A request of a specific course drop because of exigent circumstance can be requested 必须通过办公室办理 招生和学生成绩. 这种紧急减员可能包括那些需要体力活动的课程 因为健康的考虑而站不住脚. 一个特殊的下降可以制定任何 不能使学生完全退学的课程. 举个例子,如果 the student needs to drop from 12 credit hours to 3 credit hours, the special drop 是否适用的选项. 如果学生需要退学 所有目前参加的课程,则需要提款.

This type of withdrawal is for an event that has occurred that will require special 从大学的所有课程中休学. 追溯取款 can only be enacted for the 当前活动 semester – as an example, if at the beginning of the semester a special circumstance listed below occurred that prevented attendance for greater than 10 calendar days, then you are able to request a backdated withdrawal.

This type of withdrawal is for an event that has occurred that will require special circumstance withdrawal from all classes at the university in a semester that is not 当前活动. 如果学生有特殊情况,则需要追溯退学 circumstance that made them unable to attend the university in a previous semester. For example, if a student has a qualifying circumstance occur during the fall semester and is requesting a special circumstance withdraw during the spring semester, they 必须使用追溯撤回请求吗.

Special circumstance drop 或退出 requires official paperwork that specifically notes the student’s inability to attend during the requested period of time for drop 或退出. 目前正在考虑以下情况:


  • 野外训练演习
  • 军事活跃部署
  • 军事部署(训练)
  • 电脑订单
  • 学校培训订单


  • 住院治疗
  • 直系亲属死亡
  • 直系亲属紧急情况
  • Doctor’s statement that includes the student’s inability to attend for a specific 或者延长一段时间
  • Counselor or therapist statement that include the student’s inability to attend for 一段特定的或延长的时间


  • 警方报告
  • 可能支持上述未列出的请求的文件

Please keep in mind that this appeal is subject to review 由 corresponding offices. 

特殊情况撤回请求:电邮至学生事务处 studentaffairs@阿卜苏.edu

特殊情况下撤诉请求:电子邮件注册和学生成就 sa@阿卜苏.edu

Student complaints relating to consumer protection laws that involve distance learning education offered under the terms and conditions of the State Authorization Reciprocity 协议(SARA),必须首先向机构提交以寻求解决方案.

Complainants not satisfied with the outcome of the Institution’s internal process may appeal, within two years of the incident about which the complaint is made, to 田纳西州高等教育委员会(http://www.tn.gov/thec/bureaus/student-aid-and-compliance/postsecondary-state-authorization/request-for-complaint-review.html).

For purposes of this process, a complaint shall be defined as a formal assertion in writing that the terms of SARA or the laws, standards or regulations incorporated 由 SARA政策及标准 已被根据SARA条款运作的机构所违反.

如欲查询该计划的成员国名单,请浏览该计划的网页(http://nc-sara.org/directory). Students residing in non-SARA states should consult their respective State of residence 查询有关提出投诉的进一步指示.

Students should be aware that, should they have concerns or complaints about their 计划或他们的经济援助,该机构有一个投诉程序. (参见学术 和非学术申诉程序.在可能的范围内,学生 should seek a resolution of such matters through the institution’s complaint procedure 在涉及他人之前. 根据田纳西州的公开记录法,所有或部分投诉 一般会应市民的要求提供覆核资料吗. 投诉 of fraud, waste or abuse may be made by calling the Tennessee Comptroller’s Hotline 诈骗,浪费和滥用电话1-800-232-5454. 学生或未来的学生 wish to file a complaint related to accreditation may contact the Southern Association 学院事务委员会主席.

奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 is accredited 由 Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate, baccalaureate, master’s, education 专科和博士学位. 授予学位的机构也可以提供证书 例如获得认可的学位证书和文凭. Questions about the accreditation of 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 may be directed in writing to the Southern Association 学院事务委员会主席 at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using 有关的资料,可浏览本会网页(www.sacscoc.org).