
Frequently Asked Questions

机构 research (IR) is defined broadly as a range of activities involving the collection, analysis 和 interpretation of information descriptive of an 机构 和 its activities, including its students 和 staff, programs, management 和 operations. 的 findings of student research can assist 机构al leaders through informing their planning 和 决策 as well a supporting 机构al planning, policy formation, 和 决策. Decision makers need to know about an 机构, its educational objectives, goals 和 purposes, environmental factors, processes, 和 structures to more widely use its resources, more successfully attain its objectives 和 goals, 和 to demonstrate integrity 和 accountability in so doing. 因此, the primary role of DSIR is to collect, analyze, 和 report data pertaining to a arrange of areas at 365bet to give a historical perspective. DSIR is also involved with the systematic evaluation of educational programs, perceptions of students, faculty, alumni, 和 employers in order to assist in identifying the strengths 和 weaknesses of the 机构. 的 DSIR office also serve as the source for official 机构al data.

Identify information needs – This functional area reflects this iterative process of identifying relevant stakeholders 和 their decision support needs. It includes anticipating questions though review of data, information, 和 research 和 policy studies, including those related to 机构al, state, national, 和 international conversations around higher education. It also includes assisting stakeholders in developing 和 refining research questions.

Collect, analyze, interpret, 和 report data 和 information – This functional area reflects the technical tasks employed by 机构al research to provide data, information, 和 analysis for decision support. It involves an underst和ing of the data available to answer pressing questions about student access 和 success 和 机构al operations 和 the process by which previously unavailable data 收集. 的 process of collecting 和 reporting required 和 requested data is encompassed in this area. This function also incorporates applied research methods to analyze data to provide information for 决策, including appropriate interpretation of analysis results.

Serve as stewards of data 和 information – This functional area highlights 机构al research’s role in ensuring an 机构-wide 数据策略. Compliance issues such as privacy 和 security 和 ethical issues such as determining what data 和 information should be used for various purposes, 和 whether interpretations are correct 和 appropriately used, are also critical to this area. IR’s role in ensuring data are appropriately accessible 和 usable to those who need them to make decisions is inherent in this function as well.

Educate information producers, users, 和 consumers – This functional area encompasses the training 和 coaching related to the use of data, analysis, 和 information to inform 决策. Education can be focused on ensuring the ability to collect, access, analyze, 和 interpret information independently 和 in collaboration with other stakeholders. 的 function also includes a collaborative role in convening discussions related to information needs 和 connecting internal 和 external producers 和 users of data with one another for purposes of informing 决策. Scholarship to inform 和 improve data, information, 和 analysis for decision support is also included in this function.

DSIR posts an extensive library of current 机构al information through its 机构数据 页面. 的 information includes general 和 historical data about students such as, enrollment, student credit hour, demographic data, 和 degree completion, retention 和 graduation rates; about employees such as faculty FTE 和 employee demographics.

Furthermore, DSIR has developed various dashboards through Argos which provides data users with more specific, interactive reports. To learn how to access the dashboards, 参考 DSIR Report Reference Booklet

Information not available on the web site is available by request. To request specific data, please use the Information Request 页面. All requests should be made through the request form to insure they are processed in an efficient 和 timely manner.


When IR staff use the term “official,” they are referring to data that have been submitted to the Tennessee High Education Commission 和/or the US Department of Education’s Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Data that are used for state 和/or federal reporting are extracted at Census Date 和 End of Term during specific times of a term or year, 和 subsequently “frozen” or locked down. 这些官员 data are then used whenever possible to fill data requests, complete surveys, 和 创建报告. 的re are times when operational (non-frozen or live) data are more appropriate for a specific purpose but reports generated using these data should not be expected to contain numbers matching those officially reported.


的 Census is required by the federal government 和 is a specific date set by the 机构 on which it takes a “snapshot” of specific enrollment, credit hour, 和 course load data that are used for both state 和 federal government reporting. 的 Census is the time when the IR office captures its official data. 有一个人口普查 day for each term at 365bet. For both fall 和 spring semesters, Census is the 14th 上课日.

As part of its mission, DSIR tracks 和 reports data for federal 和 state agencies, including the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) 和 Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC). Two important statistics used by these agencies include the retention rate 和 the graduation rate. To provide these statistics, 365bet monitors all of the first-time, full-time, degree-seeking freshmen entering 365bet in the summer 和 fall in one year as a cohort, or a specially defined group of students sharing specific characteristics established for tracking purposes. 队列确实如此 not include freshmen who were here in previous years 和 returned in fall 2010. 也不 does it include freshmen who transfer from other 机构s.

通过去 数据字典 on the DSIR website, users can find key data terms 和 their definitions.

What type of assistance does DSIR offer to other 365bet departments or organizations?

Reporting 机构数据 – As your go-to source for official 365bet data, DSIR routinely provides information about students, faculty, 和 other general 365bet facts. 许多问题 about enrollment, retention, 和 degrees awarded can be answered by our 概况通用数据集 as well as through our reports 和 dashboards.

Completing custom data requests 和 analysis – In addition to the st和ard external reporting of 机构al data, DSIR also fields several requests for particular data 和/or analytical information. Please submit a request through our 请求页面.

Providing survey consultation 和 administration – DSIR also provides survey-related services, including consultation 和 survey administration. We work with our colleagues across campus to help meet their survey needs. Requests range from providing feedback on a draft survey instrument to helping design 和 administer the final survey. DSIR can also assist with the analysis of survey results if needed. Please contact through our service request if you need help designing, implementing, or scheduling your survey. DSIR also coordinates the administration of large university surveys to help minimize 调查疲劳.

Several dashboards 和 reports can be accessed from the DSIR web页面. 机构 research staff are happy to provide demonstrations or training on any of these resources. To request a demonstration or training session, please go to our  请求页面.