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Student Leader of the Month

月度学生领袖奖表彰那些超越自己领导能力的学生 roles. 获奖学生将获得一块牌匾,并在多所大学公布 并将他们的名字添加到摩根大学永久悬挂的牌匾上 Center. 请提名一位在服务贵系、办公室、 或我们在PeayLink的社区,在秋季和春季学期. 

August 2022

Idris Ajibade
伊德里斯被伊丽莎白·哈里森(Elizabeth Harrison)提名,“从我们出场的那一刻起,伊德里斯就散发出领导力的光环 met when he started his degree in 2021. He is always thinking of ways we could do 为国际学生提供更多的服务,提高他们的生活质量和体验 at 365bet. 他通过网络帮助学生寻找实习机会,参加国际活动 学生组织,在2022年成为主席,实际上,组织活动 并将他的网络聚集在一起,组织了一个欢迎委员会 advisory Committee, Soccer Day, and many other events. Additionally, he earned a sustainability 他在亚利桑那州的一个绿色科技会议上发表了演讲 硕士学位,并在学校新成立的可持续发展俱乐部担任领导职务. 他在做这一切的同时,也花时间尽自己最大的努力,保持自己的角色 一个研究生助教,养活他的家庭,并保持一个很高的GPA. He is an excellent candidate for this honor."

September 2022

Mackenzie Carr
Mackenzie Carr
Nominated by Dr. 蒂莫西·温特斯评价他的校园领导力:“麦肯齐是典范 the spirit of servant leadership. She is humble to a fault. When she takes on a job, she does it full throttle. 举一个HPC的例子:我让她接管协调工作 我们每周周三的演讲系列,教职员工来到下议院 for lunchtime talks. 她很快建立了一个电子提交表格,有一个电子邮件 发给了所有的员工,筛选了她收到的30多条回复,制定了一个时间表, and notified all speakers, all within a little over a week!! This is typical of how Mackenzie works. She is just amazing. She also organized a collection of school supplies etc. 为乌克兰的家庭提供帮助,她帮助了无数的活动 Honors Commons. 麦肯齐总是愿意帮忙做任何需要做的事."

October 2022

Jessica Harrison
Mason Walker
由Victor Felts提名,Mason最近担任Miss Austin Peay Scholarship Pageant. Not only did he meet expectations, he went above-and-beyond to ensure a successful event. This is a nine month leadership position that involves 招募选手,卖票,卖节目宣传册广告, 通过其他方式筹集资金,并监督由其他学生领袖组成的委员会. 梅森以积极的态度和热情对待每一项任务. In addition 为了履行分配给他的职责,他选择参加兴趣会议和排练 也能在选手犹豫的时候帮助我鼓励他们 about participating in the pageant. He was a strong leader within his fraternity; 确保会员们卖票,在人民选择奖的桌子上工作 在选美周的每一天,她都准时到达,穿着得体 night of the pageant. 他帮助确保了选美比赛的主人翁意识 the fraternity members; something that has been missing in the past. It is because 他对选美的支持和他的领导地位他是一个非凡的人 student director. 13年来,我第一次感到自信,如果我是 不能参加选美,梅森就能成功地在 my absence. 正是由于这些原因,梅森·沃克当之无愧的学生领袖 the month for October."

November 2022

Makenzie Ross
Makenzie Ross
“麦肯齐所做的一切,或者有些人可能知道她是马克 in her life is to better and support those around her. Whether that be friends, family, organizations, the city, you name it. She is a one of a kind leader and inspiration. 麦肯齐曾两次被授予年度分会主席,并领导了Lambda Iota 西格玛卡帕分会优雅而忠诚地度过了这场流行病,为我们赢得了 Rising Star award. 她现在是国家领导与成功学会的主席, ODK财务主管,学生组织委员会副主席. I 我提名麦肯齐·罗斯为本月最佳学生领袖是因为 看着她在奥斯汀皮伊州立大学的联谊会生活中成长 as in our surrounding areas! Makenzie makes this world a better and brighter place, 我很感激她是一位令人敬佩的领导者."

December 2022

Kennedy Page
Kennedy Page
由玛丽·格蕾丝·约翰逊提名的肯尼迪本学期作为行政长官以身作则 Vice President of GPC. She consistantly implemented successful programs through her 对准备工作的投入,对创建社区的热情和勇气. Kennedy 填补了GPC本学期所有4个编程职位的空缺 on a team's worth of work without hesitation. She has proven that she is a committed 在团队最需要她的时候挺身而出. She has solved 每一个问题都敢于带着自信和意图穿过她的道路. Kennedy 真的超出了我的预期,并证明她会坚持到底 says she wil complete a task and it will be done well. I could not be more thankful to have Kennedy lead GPC as Madam President of GPC next year!"

January 2023

Tyler Gilbert
Tyler Gilbert
泰勒目前担任欧米克隆三角洲大学的校长 Kappa National Leadership Honorary. In addition, he has served as Vice President for 招募Sigma Phi Epsilon兄弟会,我们的同行领袖的资深同行领袖 他是ROTC项目中全国最优秀的学员之一 on campus. Tyler is known by his peers as a role model; an exceptional leader; someone who is trustworthy, dedicated, loyal, and a true Governor. He was also named as the 2022年返校节国王,表彰他对学校的领导和服务. Of all the 在与我共事多年的学生领袖中,泰勒是其中之一 the best. 他是我们寻求认可的领袖才能的绝佳范例 with the Student Leader of the Month Award. Additionally, he has been selected as 365bet的年度ODK领袖,以表彰他在我们的ODK圈子和过去的工作 summer at the ODK National Leadership Conference."