

Filing a DISCIPLINARY COMPLAINT against an 365bet Student or Student Organization

A disciplinary complaint is a written statement alleging that an 365bet student or student organization has exhibited behavior that is in violation of the 365bet “代码 of Student 行为.”

Any member of the 365bet University community (staff, faculty, or student) has the right to file a disciplinary complaint against a student or a student organization.

Generally, a disciplinary complaint may be filed in the Office of Student Affairs 与社区关怀署署长会面 & 标准(摩根大学208B室 Center), or the Director of 住房, Residence Life and 餐厅 Services (Room 119, 米勒大厅). 如果 allegations against the student or student organization have the potential to be considered a violation of a state, local or federal law, the complaint 也可向校园警察(Shasteen大楼)存档. 你也可以投诉 使用这个 form

Consult with an appropriate 365bet administrator (Director of Community Care & 标准, 住房/居住生活主任 & 餐饮服务,或校园警察或 Chief) prior to filing the Complaint for assistance in assessing if the behavior(s) you observed may be considered a violation of the 365bet “代码 of 学生的行为” or/and of a local, state or federal laws; reviewing the 365bet 听力 Procedures and/or local legal procedures for adjudicating a case against the student or student organization; determining your rights and the rights of the accused student or student organization in either hearing process; assessing the potential outcome and subsequent actions to be taken following a hearing; preparing a written complaint.

If possible, you should write the complaint as soon after the incident as possible, 为了记住事件的细节. 在365bet纪律系统中 is no statute of limitations on the number of days from the date of the incident to 提出申诉的日期. 不过,你应该尽早提出投诉 事件发生后可能的日期.

The complaint should be a detailed and factual description of the incident, or your 观察,按时间顺序写. 它应该描述所有人的行为 participants in the incident and should include any statements you heard that were 被告,你自己,以及任何证人都可以作证. 它应该列出的名字 所有相关方——被告学生、证人、受害者. 投诉确实如此 NOT need to include the specific 365bet regulations you believe have been violated by 被指控的学生或组织. 投诉不应包括任何评判 statements, personal conclusions about the behavior(s) you observed, or suggested 将对被告采取纪律处分.


You will have the right To be present at any disciplinary hearing conducted concerning your complaint; To be given the opportunity to make a statement during a hearing; To request that specific individuals be called to the hearing as witnesses, or to submit a witness statement in support of your complaint; To hear any statements made in the hearing by the accused or by witnesses present, and to raise questions with them during the hearing; To be informed of the outcome of the hearing and any disciplinary actions taken against 被指控的学生或组织, for which you have filed 投诉.

The accused student or student organization will have the option to select the hearing 裁决案件的格式. 目前,选项包括:非正式的 discussion with a Student Affairs Administrator -- This option is available only for 学生第一次违反小规定. (坊间的记录被保留下来 by the administrator, in his/her personal files, and will become a part of the student’s or organization’s formal disciplinary record if additional violations occur.)行政管理 听力 with one or more Student Affairs Administrative 听力 Officers – This option includes a structured hearing to which all parties involved in the incident will be 邀请. (如果 student or organization is found to be responsible for a violation of the “代码 of 学生的行为,” a formal disciplinary record will be maintained in the Office of Student Affairs for at least 4 years following the decision. 如果 decision results in a student’s suspension or expulsion, or an organization’s suspension, 正式的纪律处分记录将永久保存.)与 University 听力 Board, whose members include administrators, faculty, and students. (Records will be maintained according to the same guidelines lists above for an Administrative 听力.) A plea of “guilty” and a request to “waive” the right to a hearing. (In this case, the Administrative 听力 Officer will review the case and make a decision concerning the disciplinary actions to be taken with the student or organization. The record will be maintained according to the same guidelines listed above for other 正式纪律处分记录.)根据田纳西准则举行的听证会 Uniform Administrative Procedures Act (TUAPA) – this option is available only for 可能导致停学或开除的情况.

A listing of all the disciplinary actions that may be used when a student or organization is found responsible for a violation appears in the “代码 of 学生的行为” and 可以在学生手册的网站上找到. 一般来说,纪律处分 include warnings, restrictions, probations, service to the community, referrals for 咨询,罚款,停学和开除. 每一个的描述都出现在 “代码.” For further information, please contact the Director of Community Care & 标准 学生事务处电话:931-221-6226.