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Definition of Various Terms of Sexual Misconduct

Sexual Assault

被告与原告的非自愿性接触,或被告与 当原告使用武力或胁迫来完成行为时,即性接触 是在未经原告同意的情况下完成的,而被告知道或有理由 to know at the time of the contact that the accuser did not or could not consent.  性接触包括,但不限于,故意触摸原告的, 被告的,或任何其他人的私密部位,或故意触摸 罩衣:覆盖原告、被告或任何其他人的直接区域的衣服 人的私密部位,如果这种故意的触摸可以合理地解释的话 as being for the purpose of sexual arousal or gratification.
Intimate Partner Violence

这个术语的定义是指对一个人的身体、性或心理伤害 individual by a current or former partner or spouse of the individual.  It would include 强奸、熟人强奸、跟踪、约会暴力、性暴力或家庭暴力.


跟踪是一种反复或持续骚扰的故意行为 另一个人会让一个理智的人感到恐惧,害怕, 恐吓,威胁,骚扰,或骚扰,这实际上导致原告 to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested.  Harassment 指针对原告的行为,包括但不限于重复 或者在未经同意的情况下继续接触会让一个理智的人遭受情感上的痛苦 distress, and that actually causes the accuser to suffer emotional distress.  Harassment 不包括受宪法保护的服务于合法目的的活动或行为 purpose.  

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination and a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972.  性骚扰有两个关键类别:交换条件(大致翻译为“这个”) for that”) and hostile environment.  Often sexual harassment involves relationships 权力不平等的,包含强制因素的,如对要求的服从 因为性恩惠成为了授予工作、学习或评分利益的标准.  然而,性骚扰也可能涉及平等之间的关系,如重复时 sexual advances or demeaning verbal behaviors have a harmful effect on a person’s ability to study or work in an academic setting. 

Sexual Exploitation

Sexual Exploitation occurs when a person takes non-consensual, unfair, or abusive sexual advantage of another for their own advantage or benefit; or to benefit or advantage anyone other than the one being exploited. This behavior must not otherwise constitute a violation of sexual assault or sexual harassment. Examples of sexual exploitation 包括但不限于,强迫其他学生卖淫,非自愿录像 或对性行为进行录音、展示或未经授权观看; 超出了同意的界限(比如让你的朋友看到你在 consensual sex without the knowledge or consent of your sexual partner), engaging in peeping tommery, and knowingly transmitting an STD or HIV to another student.

一个明智的决定,自由地给予,通过相互理解的语言或 表明愿意参与双方同意的性行为的行为 activity.  Consent cannot be given by an individual who is asleep; unconscious; or 由于药物或酒精的作用,精神上或身体上丧失行为能力的 or for any other reason; or, is under duress, threat, coercion, or force.  Past consent does not imply future consent.  Silence or an absence of resistance does not imply consent.  Consent can be withdrawn at any time.

Sexual Violence

一个术语,用来指对一个人的肉体的性行为 是否会或当一个人无法给予同意,因为受害者使用毒品 or alcohol.  An individual also may be unable to give consent due to an intellectual or other disability.

Stranger Rape

Rape perpetrated by someone unknown.

Acquaintance Rape

大学校园里最常见的性侵犯发生在两个人之间 who know each other. The acquaintance may be a date, partner, or someone known casually from a residence hall, class, club, or through mutual friends.
Bystander Intervention

个人为防止伤害或干预而采取的一系列行动 where there is a risk or an act of violence.
Domestic Violence

Violence against a person when the accuser and accused; (1) are current or former spouses; (2) live together or have lived together; (3) are related by blood or adoption; (4) are related or were formally related by marriage; or, (5) are adult or minor children of a person in a relationship described above. 
家庭暴力包括,但不一定限于,(1)施加,或 attempting to inflict, physical injury on the accuser by other than accidental means; (2) placing the accuser in fear of physical harm; (3) physical restraint; (4) malicious 对原告个人财产的损害,包括施加或企图 虐待:对自己拥有、占有、出租、饲养或持有的动物造成身体伤害 by the accuser; or, (5) placing the accuser in fear of physical harm to any animal owned, possessed, leased, kept, or held by the accuser. 


Dating Violence

当原告和被告正在约会或已经约会时, or who have or had a sexual relationship.  “Dating” and “dated” do not include fraternization between two (2) individuals solely in a business or non-romantic social context.  暴力包括但不一定限于:(1)施加或企图 (二)以非意外手段对原告造成人身伤害的 原告因害怕人身伤害,(3)人身约束,(4)恶意损害 对原告的个人财产,包括施加或企图施加, 对原告拥有、占有、租赁、保管或持有的任何动物造成身体伤害; 或者(5)使受害者害怕对任何拥有、占有的动物造成身体伤害; leased, kept, or held by the accuser.