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Lottery Appeals/Leave of Absence Requests

The HOPE Lottery Scholarship is awarded based on policies set forth by the Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation (TSAC). TSAC’s policy allows an appeal process for students who fail to meet continuing eligibility requirements, except for TELS GPA. A student may also be granted medical or personal leaves of absence from attendance at an eligible postsecondary institution and resume receiving an award(s) upon resumption of the student’s attendance at an eligible postsecondary institution so long as all other applicable eligibility criteria are met.

Lottery Scholarship Terminating Events

Beginning Fall 2021

All attempted hours after high school graduation, including remedial and developmental studies courses are included in the total attempted semester hours.  

A student may receive the HOPE Scholarship until the first of the following terminating events: 

Students may appeal due to the following:

The process does not allow appeals for the following reasons

To file an appeal, a student should submit the Lottery Scholarship Appeal/Leave of Absence Request Form to the Office of Student Financial Aid & Veteran's Education Benefits as soon as possible. Please follow all of the instructions carefully. If the initial appeal is denied, the student may file a new appeal to the TSAC HOPE Lottery Scholarship Award Appeal Panel at the following address:

Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship
404 James Robertson Parkway
Suite 1950, Parkway Towers
Nashville, TN 37243-0820

Further Information pertaining to appealing your loss through TSAC may be reviewed here.

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