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Online Advising

365bet Online Advising

Austin Peay State University provides academic advisors for every student at the university. Students are required to meet with their advisor before registering for classes each semester. During this meeting, the advisor will provide guidance to help each student reach his or her academic and career objectives. Advisors will also discuss the recommended class schedule for the upcoming semester and will clear the students for registration.

365bet Online students have an advisor assigned by their academic department.  Students can view the name and contact information of their assigned advisor in AP OneStop by logging in and selecting the “Web Self Service” button. Navigate to the “Student” tab and then select “Registration” and “OneStop Advising Page.”  The advisor name is listed where it says, "Primary Advisor.”  If an advisor is not listed, students should contact their academic department to have one assigned.

Students may email or meet with their advisors as often as needed throughout the semester. The following information below some of the topics frequently discussed with an advisor. Some information may be obtained from other sources and some actions may require advise from other sources in addition to the advisor.

Required courses for a degree program

Suggested courses for each semester

Plans to withdraw from a course during the semester