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  • 项目审查过程由教务长和系主任领导 在教务处工作人员的支持和监督下,对项目进行审查.
  • 请访问Microsoft Teams中的程序审查小组以获取更多资源. Contact Jeana McCullough mcculloughj@rockmark.net for access to the Program Review folder in Teams.
    • 2020-2025年质量保证资助周期项目评审时间表 
    • Program Review Process
      • External Reviewer
        • 每个项目都由田纳西州以外的外部同行评审人进行评审 qualified in the field of study. External peer reviewers are typically active faculty 在与研究领域相关的部门中具有一定领导作用的成员 or administrative experience as a chair, program coordinator, etc.
        • 365bet向外部审稿人提供酬金和批准的报销 差旅费(由机构效能及评估人员协调).
      • Review Rubric
        • 田纳西州高等教育委员会(THEC)为院校提供了一个标准 对于每个学位级别(副学士,学士和研究生),外部审稿人 must use to score the program review.
        • Rubrics
        • Self-study
          • 在审查年度的秋季,每个项目完成书面自学,其中 它们反映了项目的表现,并提供了与每个项目相关的证据 on the evaluation rubric for the appropriate degree level. The self-study typically focuses on the time period since the last review. The external reviewer reads the self-study carefully prior to the site visit. The self-study is one of two primary 外部审稿人在对程序和写作进行评分时使用的证据来源 the narrative report (the other is the site visit).
          • 自我学习的模板指南和先前程序审查的示例(张贴) with program permission) are available in Microsoft Teams. Contact Jeana McCullough mcculloughj@rockmark.net for access to the Program Review folder in Teams.
        • Site Visit
          • 在审查年度的春季(通常是3 - 4月),外部审查人员访问 在与院长、主席、项目教师的会议中了解更多关于项目的信息, 项目学生、校友和其他利益相关者以及大学管理人员. Site 访问通常是一整天,外部评审员在前一天到达 the visit day.
          • 主席、院长和项目教师确定并邀请参与者进行每次实地考察 会议,为每个会议预订房间,并订购午餐(通常是外部的午餐) reviewer and students).
          • Sample itinerary 
        • Optional: Internal Reviewers
          • Programs have the option to select 1-2 “internal reviewers.” Internal reviewers are 来自审核项目之外的365bet教员作为额外的 resource for the external reviewer during the site visit.
          • 内部审稿人不能给审稿评分,也不能写叙述性报告. However, 他们可以参加实地考察,并回答有关365bet的任何问题 context that the external reviewer may have.
          • Internal reviewers must be approved by the chair and dean. The program is responsible 与内部评审人员就期望和需求进行沟通 for the review.
          • 国际能源署将安排与外部审稿人和内部审稿人的简短会议 大约在现场访问前一周确认角色和最终的后勤安排 visit.
        • Reviewer’s narrative report
          • 除了评分外,外部审稿人还要写一份叙述性报告 summarizing their findings from the review. External reviewers follow the *narrative report instructions*  when completing their report.
          • 外部审稿人向国际能源署提交一份叙述性报告的初稿 2 weeks following the site visit. IEA and the program then have a chance to review 报告并提交任何更正或问题供审稿人考虑. Those comments must be submitted to the reviewer only via IEA.
          • 审稿人随后在大约30天内向国际能源署提交最终标题和叙述性报告 30 days from the site visit.
          • 国际能源署与院长、主席和团队领导共享最终的标题和报告 use the feedback for continuous improvement.
  • Link to download pdf version
  • April 2024
    • 与院长、主席(由国际能源署领导)进行即将进行的项目审查
  • May 2024
    • 程序确定审查领导和自学作者的输入和批准 from chair and dean
    • IEA provides deans and chairs with prior program reviews
    • 国际能源署向院长和主席提供正在审查的项目的数据
  • June-July 2024
    • Deans and chairs review reports from previous program reviews
    • Deans and chairs review data on programs being reviewed
  • August 2024
    • Program Review Q&在教职工会议期间举行的教职工、主席和院长会议 (led by IEA)
    • 院长和主席就项目的内部流程、截止日期和期望进行沟通 for drafting the self-study
  • September 2024
    • 各项目根据主席和院长的意见寻找外部评审候选人
    • Programs are drafting self-study with input from chair and dean
  • October 2024
    • 项目确定外部评审的最佳候选人,并获得批准 chair and dean to submit candidate to IEA
    • Programs are drafting self-study with input from chair and dean
  • November 2024
    • 国际能源署与顶级外部评审候选人会面,沟通期望和指导方针 for reviewers
    • 国际能源署与学院和部门合作,与外部安排春季实地考察日期 reviewer
    • Programs are finalizing 自学与输入从主席和院长和汇编附录.
  • December 2024
    • 最后的自学和附录作为一个合并的PDF文件提交给国际能源署作为期末考试 review and submission to external reviewer (by commencement)
    • 国际能源署与外部审查员一起完成旅行和完成365bet合同 honorarium and travel reimbursement
  • January 2025
    • 项目与主席和院长一起确定实地考察行程(会议时间); locations, participants)
    • 方案提交最终的实地考察行程,以国际能源署的最后审查和提交 to external reviewer
  • February 2025
    • 国际能源署向外部审稿人提交自习和实地考察行程
    • Programs order lunch and parking passes for site visit
  • March-April 2025
    • Site visits led by department and college with support from IEA
    • 评审报告和规则提交给国际能源署,并与各部门和部门共享 deans
  • Program Review Process
    • External Reviewer
      • 每个项目都由田纳西州以外的外部同行评审人进行评审 qualified in the field of study. External peer reviewers are typically active faculty 在与研究领域相关的部门中具有一定领导作用的成员 or administrative experience as a chair, program coordinator, etc.
      • 365bet向外部审稿人提供酬金和批准的报销 差旅费(由院校研究及效能组职员协调).
    • Review Rubric
      • 田纳西州高等教育委员会(THEC)为院校提供了一个标准 对于每个学位级别(副学士,学士和研究生),外部审稿人 must use to score the program review.
      • Rubrics 
      • Self-study
        • 在审查年度的秋季,每个项目完成书面自学,其中 它们反映了项目的表现,并提供了与每个项目相关的证据 on the evaluation rubric for the appropriate degree level. The self-study typically focuses on the time period since the last review. The external reviewer reads the self-study carefully prior to the site visit. The self-study is one of two primary 外部审稿人在对程序和写作进行评分时使用的证据来源 the narrative report (the other is the site visit).
        • 自我学习的模板指南和先前程序审查的示例(张贴) with program permission) are available in Microsoft Teams. Contact Jeana McCullough mcculloughj@rockmark.net for access to the Program Review folder in Teams.
      • Site Visit
        • 在审查年度的春季(通常是3 - 4月),外部审查人员访问 在与院长、主席、项目教师的会议中了解更多关于项目的信息, 项目学生、校友和其他利益相关者以及大学管理人员. Site 访问通常是一整天,外部评审员在前一天到达 the visit day.
        • 主席、院长和项目教师确定并邀请参与者进行每次实地考察 会议,为每个会议预订房间,并订购午餐(通常是外部的午餐) reviewer and students).
        • Sample itinerary 
      • Optional: Internal Reviewers
        • Programs have the option to select 1-2 “internal reviewers.” Internal reviewers are 来自审核项目之外的365bet教员作为额外的 resource for the external reviewer during the site visit.
        • 内部审稿人不能给审稿评分,也不能写叙述性报告. However, 他们可以参加实地考察,并回答有关365bet的任何问题 context that the external reviewer may have.
        • Internal reviewers must be approved by the chair and dean. The program is responsible 与内部评审人员就期望和需求进行沟通 for the review.
        • 国际能源署将安排与外部审稿人和内部审稿人的简短会议 大约在现场访问前一周确认角色和最终的后勤安排 visit.
      • Reviewer’s narrative report
        • 除了评分外,外部审稿人还要写一份叙述性报告 summarizing their findings from the review. External reviewers follow the *narrative report instructions*  when completing their report.
        • 外部审稿人向国际能源署提交一份叙述性报告的初稿 2 weeks following the site visit. IEA and the program then have a chance to review 报告并提交任何更正或问题供审稿人考虑. Those comments must be submitted to the reviewer only via IEA.
        • 审稿人随后在大约30天内向国际能源署提交最终标题和叙述性报告 30 days from the site visit.
        • 国际能源署与院长、主席和团队领导共享最终的标题和报告 use the feedback for continuous improvement.
      • Expectations for external reviewers
        • 参加与国际能源署的简短初始虚拟会议,讨论对审稿人的要求
        • Work with IEA to schedule spring site visit.
        • Prepare travel estimate worksheet and return to IEA.
        • 在访问之前阅读自习和复习题目,并准备问题 site visit
        • Attend orientation with IEA about one week prior to site visit
        • 到365bet进行实地考察(通常是一天的实地考察加上差旅). Attend 所有现场参观环节,并向参与者提问,以收集更多信息 to evaluate program (using rubric).
        • Submit draft narrative report to IEA within 2 weeks of site visit
        • 接收并考虑项目对叙述报告草稿的意见
        • 提交完成,签署的标题和最终的叙述报告国际能源署在4周内 visit
        • 按照国际能源署的指示,提交支付酬金和差旅费的发票
      • External Reviewer’s Narrative Report Instructions

External Reviewer Rubric Instructions