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Faculty and Staff



Phyllis A Camilleri

Phyllis A. Camilleri
Professor of Geology
P.G., Ph.D. University of Wyoming

Areas of expertise: Structural Geology, Tectonics

Faculty Profile
(931) 221-7317

Jack Deibert

Jack Deibert
Professor of Geology and Department Chair
P.G., Ph.D. University of Wyoming

Areas of expertise: Sedimentology, Stratigraphy

Faculty Profile
(931) 221-6318

Kallina Dunkle

Kallina Dunkle
Associate Professor of Geology
Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison

Areas of expertise: Hydrogeology, Environmental Geology, Glacial Geology

Faculty Profile
(931) 221-7451

Daniel Frederick

Daniel L. Frederick
Professor of Geology
Ph.D. University of Tennessee

Areas of expertise: Paleontology, Sedimentation/Stratigraphy

(931) 221-7455

Chris Gentry

Christopher Gentry
Professor of Geography
Ph.D. Indiana State University

Areas of expertise: Biogeography, Dendroecology, GIS, Remote Sensing

Faculty Profile
B.E.T.R. Lab
(931) 221-7478

Madeline Giefer

Madeline Giefer
Assistant Professor of Geography
Ph.D. University of North Carolina

Areas of expertise: Land Change Science, Land Use Policy, Rural Geography, GIS

Faculty Profile
(931) 221-7473

Erik Haroldson

Erik Haroldson
Assistant Professor of Geology
Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison

Areas of expertise: Economic Geology, MIneralogy, Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology

Faculty Profile
(931) 221-7449

Christine Mathenge

Christine Mathenge
Associate Professor of Geography
Ph.D. Indiana University

Areas of expertise: Regional Geography, Environmental Geography, Landscape Studies

(931) 221-6434

greg ridenour

Gregory S. Ridenour
Professor of Geography
Ph.D. Texas A&M University

Areas of expertise: Climatology, Oceanography, Geography of Asia, Research: Hydraulic Geometry

Faculty Profile
(931) 221-7942

Phillip Roberson

Philip Roberson
Laboratory Manager
M.S. Murray State University

Area of expertise: Geology, Paleontology

(931) 221-1004

JJ White

JJ White
Academic Assistant to the Chair
MBA, Tennessee Tech University

Area of expertise: Administrative wizardry, Llamas

(931) 221-7454

Adjunct Faculty

Matt McKelvey

Matt McKelvey
M.S. University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Area of expertise: Geology


Richard Wheeler

Richard Wheeler
P.G., M.S. Brigham Young University

Area of expertise: Geology


Katherine Killebrew

Katherine Killebrew
M.S. Lipscomb University

Area of expertise: Geography and Sustainable Practices 


Emeritus Faculty

Philip R. Kemmerly
Professor of Geology
Ed.D., P.G., Oklahoma State University

Areas of expertise: Hydrogeology, Environmental Geology, Geomorphology


D.M.S. Bhatia
Professor of Geology
Ph.D. University of Missouri-Rolla 

Area of expertise: Economic Geology

Byron J. Webb
Professor of Geography
M.S. University of Memphis Associate 

Area of expertise: Geography

Faculty in Memoriam

Robert Sirk

Dr. Robert A. Sirk [1956-2019]
Professor of Geography

Dr. Robert Sirk was Professor Geography in the Department of Geosciences (now Earth and Environmental Sciences) for 24 years from 1995 until his passing in 2019.  During his tenure at 365bet he served as Chair of the Department of Geosciences from 2009 - 2013 and taught classes related to environmental management, natural hazards, climatology, and meteorology, as well as introductory geography courses. 

Kenton Wibking

Dr. Kenton Wibking [1926-2018]
Professor of Geography, Emeritus

Dr. Wibking taught geography for 30 years at Austin Peay State University, much of that time as head of the department. He was a great believer in public education and in particular his own geography

James Corgan

Dr. James Xavier Corgan [1930-2012]
Professor of Geology, Emeritus

Dr. Corgan was a professor at 365bet from 1968 to his retirement in 1991.  During his career at 365bet he founded the Department of Geology and served as the Chair of the department for many years.  As a scholar he published over 300 papers and in 1982 received the Richard M. Hawkins Award for his noteworthy contributions to scholarship during his tenure at 365bet.