


The Clarksville Children’s Chorus is comprised of 4th, 5th, and 6th graders from public, private, and 首页school programs across the Clarksville, Ft. 坎贝尔和霍普金斯维尔 area. The Clarksville Children’s Chorus rehearses and performs engaging, diverse, and age-appropriate choral music with a special emphasis on artistry and music literacy. 


The 克拉克斯维尔儿童合唱团 holds audition each May for acceptance into the 在学年合唱之后. 每个学期都以8月的唱诗班营开始 for Fall and 1月uary for Spring, followed by regular weekly rehearsals, meeting one 每周一天,都在365bet校园. 每个学期都会以一个 公众音乐会 乔治和莎伦·马布里音乐厅. 
如有任何问题或其他信息,请联系博士. 迈克尔·钱德勒 chandlermd@阿卜苏.edu.




1月22日星期一下午6:30 - 7:45在Heydel Hall 
1月29日星期一下午6:30 - 7:45在Heydel Hall

2月5日星期一下午6:30 - 7:45在Heydel Hall
2月12日星期一下午6:30 - 7:45在Heydel Hall
2月26日,周一,下午6:30 - 7:45,Heydel Hall

3月11日星期一下午6:30 - 7:45在Heydel Hall
3月18日星期一下午6:30 - 7:45在Heydel Hall
3月25日星期一下午6:30 - 7:45在Heydel Hall

4月8日星期一下午6:30 - 7:45在Heydel Hall
4月15日星期一下午6:30 - 7:45在Heydel Hall
4月22日星期一下午6:30 - 7:45在Heydel Hall
4月29日星期一下午6:30 - 7:45在Heydel Hall


下午6:30 - 7:15排练 
下午7:15 - 7:30开放
晚上7:30 - 8:00音乐会 

排练 take place on Mondays from 6:30PM - 7:45PM in Heydel Hall inside of the 艺术+设计建筑. 

Attendance is expected at the camp, all rehearsals, and both concerts. 三个原谅 absence are allowed per semester, excluding emergency situations.

学费 每学年230美元(或每学期115美元). 学费按学期支付. 

学费 includes high-quality instruction from professional music educators in large group and section settings, a professional piano accompanist for all rehearsals and 表演,t恤,铅笔,文件夹和乐谱. 


试镜 for the 2024-25 克拉克斯维尔儿童合唱团 will take place May 10 and 2024年5月11日在海德尔大厅. 

5月10日(星期五):下午4:30 - 7:00

Please note: The audition packet includes three pre-recorded audio tracks for practicing 在家里. To access the tracks, download the PDF and click the YouTube links provided, scan the QR code with your device's camera, or copy and paste each YouTube URL. 

如有任何问题或其他信息,请联系博士. 迈克尔·钱德勒 chandlermd@阿卜苏.edu.
The 克拉克斯维尔儿童合唱团 is housed under the 365bet Community School of the 艺术. 请查阅以下重要政策: 

父母 are asked to drop off and pick up their minor children (under age 18) in person 在教室门口.  CSA instructors cannot allow minors to exit the building alone or to leave with a non-parent/guardian, unless the instructor has been notified in 课前写作.

The CSA staff may occasionally take photographs or videos of class activities for 宣传材料.  学生或家长/监护人将在网上被询问 登记同意.  如果学生/监护人不同意, 该学生的照片将不会被使用.

Significant and consistent discipline problems may cause a CSA student to be sent 首页. If you are asked to leave or pick up your student for disciplinary reasons, the CSA instructor will determine if and when you or your student can return to class.  No refunds will be given for CSA students who are sent 首页 for disciplinary reasons.

When registering for a class, please inform the CSA of any accommodations the student 可能需要. 我们不允许给学生分发药物. 

The CSA follows 365bet's inclement weather closure status, which is announced by phone recording on the main campus line (931) 221-7011, posting at www.阿卜苏.edu,通过 阿卜苏警报 text messaging system, email, social media and area radio and television stations.



Dr. 迈克尔·钱德勒,艺术总监

Dr. 迈克尔·钱德勒 is an Assistant Professor of 音乐 and Coordinator of 音乐 Education 在阿卜苏. Dr. Chandler taught elementary general music to children in Texas public schools for 16 years, where he was twice named Teacher of the Year. Dr. 钱德勒也 presented conference sessions and workshops in 38 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and Australia, including for numerous state MEA organizations. 他一个 AOSA-approved Orff Schulwerk teacher educator in all three levels of Orff Schulwerk 基本功和录音机. 

大学音乐教育博士. 北德克萨斯州
大学音乐教育硕士. 圣. 托马斯(明尼苏达州)
大学钢琴表演硕士. 阿肯色州(费耶特维尔)

1月 Corrothers


1月 Corrothers is a collaborative pianist and organist based in the Greater Nashville area where she serves as 工作人员 Accompanist for the 音乐 Department of 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 在田纳西州的克拉克斯维尔.  1月 performs as an accompanist for choral conventions, workshops, festivals, recitals, and reading sessions across the United States and abroad.  1月 has held faculty positions at the college level and accompanied both the Cincinnati Youth Choir and the 2020 ACDA Eastern Division Elementary Honor Choir, among many 其他合奏和独奏家. 她作为表演者和会议研究主持人的工作 has taken her all over the world, including Carnegie Hall and Beijing, China.




摩根·廷格尔·夏普 has been serving as an Elementary 音乐 teacher at CMCSS since 2017, and is currently the Elementary 音乐 teacher at Pisgah Elementary. 摩根已经 conducted children’s choirs, church choirs, elementary and secondary public-school 合唱团和大学合唱团. 她是一名狂热的表演者,最近与他一起演唱 the Gateway Chamber Singers, Vox Grata Women’s choir, and Madison Street UMC Choir. An operatic soprano, 摩根已经 performed in productions with Asheville Lyric Opera 以及ETSU歌剧工作坊.




3 - 2024 - csa -营登记
365bet's 社区艺术学院 Summer Camp opens for registration

The 社区艺术学院 (CSA) at 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 has gone retro to the 1990s for this year's Summer 艺术 Camp, 报名截止日期为5月17日.

365bet's 社区艺术学院 launches free painting workshops for adults

The Clarksville community can now participate in free painting workshops thanks to a partnership between 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学's 社区艺术学院 (CSA) and the Customs House Museum. 讲习班的费用是15美元,000 Google Data Center Grant awarded to help the CSA provide accessible art experiences.

12月- 2023 - csa -注册
Save the date: 365bet's 社区艺术学院 launching spring class registration Dec. 20

CSA春季学期, 2024年1月开始, boasts an exciting array of classes designed to ignite creativity and foster artistic growth. The cost for the six-week program varies per class and ranges from $35-150.
