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Kyrstin Young on the 3rd floor of the Morgan University Center.
Kyrstin Young – Business Management

“我真的希望人们退后一步,意识到我们生活的世界 understand that it’s only going to change if we change it.”

Jason Chavez-Rivas – Biology

“I’ve grown up here, so Austin Peay was a popular landmark. My dad and brother went here, so I knew this was a good option.”

Alex Edwards – Mathematics Education

“我每天都会继续选择奥斯汀·皮伊,因为这些人已经变得 my second family.”

Everyone at Austin Peay has a story to tell.

对一些人来说,奥斯汀·皮伊是高中毕业后的下一步,而另一些人则是第一个选择 to serve their country. Some grew up in the shadow of its campus, while others saw 奥斯丁·皮伊认为这是一个远离家乡挑战自我的机会 or even country. Many saw one of Austin Peay’s nationally recognized programs as the 通往梦想职业的道路,而其他人作为新生来到这里,仍在寻找发现 their passion.

但不管他们来这里的原因是什么,每个学生的故事都是一个人的故事 impacted by Austin Peay’s mission to find the leader in everyone.

我们邀请您认识一些奥斯汀皮伊的过去和现在的学生,并发现 for yourself what makes each #GovLife unique.

作为一个由创作者、批判性思考者和表演者组成的社区,我们的学生面临挑战 the status quo. 他们为媒体带来了独特的视角,并创造了新的体验 every day.

Carlos Carpena
Carlos Carpena I Art + Design
“对我来说,奥斯汀·皮伊的创意艺术卓越中心(CECA)就像一个 为学生提供无限可能的门户,在那里你可以选择最相关的 information from diverse sources to use it for your benefit. You can take drawing, painting, anything you like, and use it to your benefit. You choose what you want to do, and CECA provides that to you, helps you do that.”
Read Carlos's story here
Alyssa Amos posing on a balcony
Alyssa Amos I Business & Theatre
“At Austin Peay, you are an individual. All the professors here are willing to give you any opportunity you can dream of. That’s so rare. I wouldn’t have experienced all that I have if it hadn’t been for Austin Peay.
Read Alyssa's story here
Katie Boyer oustide
Katie Boyer I Graphic Design
“我认为奥斯汀皮伊的特别之处在于你有很多机会 given. 我在这里做了很多我从未想过自己会做的事 be able to.”
Read Katie's story here
Erica Harris poses for photo on Browning lawn
Erica Harris | Theatre and Dance, Student Veteran
“当我去牛顿军人家庭资源中心时,这帮助我保持专注 鼓励我想要做得更好,因为当我在我的一些 像生物和数学这样的课程,他们有专门研究这类课程的人 of thing, and they were more than happy to help, or find help for me.”
Read Erica's story here
Jeremy Vega
Jeremy Vega | Art
“在上大学之前,我完全不喜欢社交,没有人向我展示我的想法,但是 在这里我可以展示我的作品,看看他们的反应,这让我想要创作 more.”
Khari Turner
Khari Turner | Studio Art
“我所接受的教育很重要,因为我的绘画只受 the things I know. If I don't know anything, then I'm not painting.”
Read Khari's story here

奥斯汀·皮伊学院的学生通过合作引领所有行业的创新, work ethic and a willingness to take risks. During their college careers, our students mold the future of some of the fastest-growing fields.

Britney Hitch
Bitney Hitch | Communication and Public Relations
“在Austin Peay的时光教会了我如何建立人际关系和沟通 skills. 我的教授们在这方面给了我很大的帮助,而且总是准备好给我们上课 real-life examples.”
Read Britney's story here
Jason Chavez sitting under a pavilion.
Jason Chavez-Rivas I Biology
“I’ve grown up here, so Austin Peay was a popular landmark. My dad and brother went here, so I knew this was a good option.”
Read Jason's story here
Robyn Yates poses for photo in Maynard building
Robyn Yates | Computer Science
“Austin Peay gave me a new beginning, an opportunity. I had no direction, no clue what I wanted to do. Now I’m so excited and ready to rule the world with code. I’m stoked.”
Read Robyn's story here
Elijah Carter plays violin in front of MUC
Elijah Carter | Computer Science
“对我来说,‘成为一名政府官员’意味着知道你将面临难以置信的挑战 roadblocks but to still work and push through them.”
Read Elijah's story here
Celeste Malone poses for photo outside MUC
Celeste Malone | Graduate, Communication
Read Celeste's story here
Amanda McNair
Amanda McNair | Computer Science
“随着我学习了更多不同的(计算机)语言,我感到更加自信. 我的沟通能力更好了,现在我大四了,我的领导能力也更好了 are on point, and I know they’ll get better.”
Read Amanda's story here

奥斯汀·皮伊学院的学生毕业后没有一个地方能找到工作. Some go 要么成为民选官员,要么把他们的技能带到国外打击人口贩运. 另一些人成为了知名的商人和女性,而一些人则找到了自己的位置 on the largest news items of the century. The one unifier for all these students is their ability to make a lasting change to the world.

Isabelle Stapp headshot
Isabelle Stapp | Political Science
“I get to do a lot of stuff with the community. I work with a lot of local politicians, 我见过州务卿,做了很多选民登记活动. 这是很重要的一部分,让人们投票,履行他们的公民义务.”
Read Isabelle's story here
Rebekah White Headshot
Rebekah White | Business Marketing
“我认为在奥斯丁·皮伊最重要的是你的人际关系 make. 就我认识的教授而言,他们教会了我很多市场营销方面的知识 and the world of business.”
Read Rebekah's story here
Sierra Salandy poses in Browning lobby
Sierra Salandy | Political Science
“I feel like I’ve learned a lot about myself. I’ve definitely learned a lot about politics. It’s challenged me in all the right ways.”
Read Sierra's story here
Michael Hunter
Michael Hunter | Graphic Design
“There’s a lot of personal growth that I’ve experienced here. It’s really changed 我的看法和观点,不仅是我的职业道路,但一般的生活.”
Read Michael's story here
Meghann Stamps poses for photo outside of MMC building
Meghann Stamps | Broadcast Media
我从很小的时候就知道——从很小很小的时候——我喜欢说话, especially on camera. I just knew this is what I wanted to be.”
Read Meghann's story here

Emmanuel Méjeun poses for photo in MMC
Emmanuel Méjeun | ('17) Music Performance
“关于我的故事的一切都与音乐联系在一起:这是我的激情,这是我的爱,它会继续下去 to be my job — It’s everything to me.”
Read Emmanuel's story here
Alexis Hill poses for photo on Softball field
Alexis Hill | Biology
“奥斯汀·皮伊对我比我想象的要好得多,如果我 如果让我重新来过,我还是会选择上这所大学.”
Read Alexis's story here

有时,通过咨询精神病患者或给予,就能有所作为 comforting care to a patient in need. Other times it's about teaching new students how to be successful, using your own story as an example. All of these students work daily in their own communities to make a difference in impactful ways.

Sibyl Brush
Sibyl Brush I Pre K - Third Special Education
“If you’re interested in any organizations at 365bet, join. It is a scary thing, but 如果你在做自己喜欢的事情,你很有可能会遇到一辈子的朋友 and it will change your outlook on college.”
Read Sibyl's story here
Alex Edwards infront of a mural.
Alex Edwards | Mathematics Education
“我每天都会继续选择奥斯汀·皮伊,因为这些人已经变得 my second family.”
Read Alex's story here
Hunter Burkhart poses for photo in McCord
Hunter Burkhart | Nursing
“奥斯汀皮伊大学的课程对我建立自信和展示自我很有帮助 me that Austin Peay nurses really do make some great nurses.”
Read Hunter's story here
Adolph Dagan poses for photo in his Rossview High School classroom
Adolph Dagan | ('14) Education
“我想鼓励来自其他国家的人去超越自己,并相信这一点 learning and the curriculum at Austin Peay is difficult. They can do it and it can be done.”
Read Adolph's story here
Austin Derden poses for photo in Miltary Student Center
Austin Derden | Graduate, Mental Health Counseling
“我不仅为军队学生和退伍军人提供了很好的服务, 但是任何人都可以来牛顿军人家庭资源中心使用我们的 textbook program. I greatly enjoy expanding on that program. We really provide a heck of service.”
Read Austin's story here
Sarah Sullivan
Sarah Sullivan | Nursing
“If you aren’t challenged, you aren’t learning.”
Read Sarah's story here

Leaving home is hard. Taking the leap of faith that there will be opportunity for you in an unfamiliar place comes with a great deal of uncertainty. At Austin Peay, any student can find opportunity. Any student can find success.

Jennifer Stevens
Jennifer Stevens I Engineering Technology
“我知道我必须做一些我一直想做的事情,”她说. “I had to take care of my kid and finally chase my dreams.”
Read More
Skylar Smith headshot
Skylar Smith | Criminal Justice
“当你进入不同的专业时,你会觉得自己不知道自己是什么 都在做什么,我的教授们都非常愿意帮助我理解 我必须采取下一步行动,朝着我想要进入的领域的方向前进."
Read Skylar's story here
Alex Baum
Alex Baum I Agriculture
“I knew I wanted to go out of state for college. When I saw an email from Austin Peay, 我研究了他们的兽医预科项目和克拉克斯维尔市,然后彻底沦陷了 in love! I had a strong feeling that this is where I wanted to be.”
Read More
Christaine Patton in her cap and gown.
Christaine Patton | Broadcast Media
“Going back to school with a daughter is challenging but rewarding. I really want 为我女儿树立榜样让她知道你去什么都没关系 through in life.”
Read Christaine's story here
Derrick Tims poses for photo in Library
Derrick Tims | Psychology
“对我来说,当一名‘州长’意味着你要不断挑战自己,超越别人 you were the day before.”
Read Derrick's story here
Natalie Castillo
Natalie Castillo | Psychological Science
“我喜欢认为每个人都是超级英雄,但我们只需要解锁自己的独特之处 超能力,心理科学的学位能帮我解开 use my superpower.”
Read Natalie's story here