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Stephen Kershner

Steve Kershner

Associate Professor

Languages & Literature


MA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

PhD, State University of New York at Buffalo

Dr. Kershner is Assistant Professor of Classics. He has a BA from Denison University, MA from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and a PhD from SUNY at Buffalo.

Imperial Roman Poetry, especially Statius and Vergil Intersections between Hellenistic Philosophy and Roman Poetry Medieval Irish adaptations of ancient Epic

Kershner, S.M. 2010. "Statius as Horatian Priest of the Muses in Silvae 2.7", Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History XV, Collection Latomus, C. Deroux, ed. p.310-334.

Kershner, S.M. Forthcoming. "Statius' dynamic absence in the narrative frame of the Middle-Irish Togail na Tebe," in Studies in the Medieval North Sea Province. J.F. Nagy and C. MacQuarrie, eds. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam Press.

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