



  • PhD in Interdisciplinary Ecology - University of Florida, 2016
  • MS in Conservation 生物学 - SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 2010
  • BS in Wildlife 生物学 - Unity College in Maine, 2007

I have lived in many states and have worked in many different ecological systems, from moose in upstate New York to wolves in Yellowstone 国家公园 to manatees 在佛罗里达大沼泽地! My excitement about ecology and mammalogy stems from my background - I grew up hiking and camping in the woods of northern New Jersey with my family and the local Girl Scout troop. My interest in the outdoors lead me to a small college in Maine, which started my career in wildlife ecology. 我来自缅因州。 pursued my MS degree studying moose in the Adirondacks of New York, then got a job studying ticks in the Hudson Valley, which lead to a project with wolves in Yellowstone 国家公园. 我获得了博士学位.D. from the University of Florida (GO GATORS!)研究 behavioral thermoregulation of the Florida manatee. 最后,我做了我的博士后 research at Montana State University studying the energetics of white-nose 并发症状 在西方蝙蝠种类中.

Principles of Evolution, Mammalogy, Biological Methods, Principles of 生物学

  • 动物的能量

  • 热生物学

  • 环境生理学

  • 动物运动和栖息地利用

  • 空间生态

  • 麦克卢尔,ML,赫拉纳克, CG hasse还, S McGinnis, BG Dickson, DTS Hayman, LP McGuire, CL Lausen, RK Plowright, NW Fuller, SH奥尔森. 2021. Projecting compound effects of climate change and white-nose 并发症状 关于北美蝙蝠种类的研究. 气候变化生态学3:100047

  • McGuire, LP, NW Fuller, YA Dzal, CG hasse还, B Klug-Baerwald, KA Silas, RK Plowright, CL Lausen, CKR Willis, SH奥尔森. 2021. 种间 variation in evaporative water loss and temperature response, but not metabolic rate, 在冬眠的蝙蝠中. 科学报告11(1):1-9

  • McGuire, LP, NW Fuller, YA Dzal, CG hasse还, KA Silas, CKR Willis, SH奥尔森, CL Lausen. 2021. Similar physiology in hibernating bats across broad geographic ranges. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 192(1):171-181

  • •哈斯CG, A Yang, K McNyset, J Blackburn. 2021. GARPTools: R software for data preparation and model evaluation of GARP models. 描述生态学44 (12):1790 - 1796

  • Hranac、铬、 CG hasse还, NW Fuller, ML McClure, JC Marshall, CL Lausen, LP McGuire, SH奥尔森, DTS Hayman. 2021. 什么是冬天?? Modelling spatial variation in bat host traits and hibernation and their implications for overwintering energetics. Ecology and Evolution 11(17):11604-11614

  • 麦克卢尔,毫升, CG hasse还, D Crowley, LP McGuire, NW Fuller, DTS Hayman, CL Lausen, RK Plowright, BG Dickson, SH奥尔森. 2021. A hybrid correlative-mechanistic approach for modeling and mapping winter distributions of western bat species. Journal of Biogeography 48:2429-2444

  • •哈斯CG, NW Fuller, YA Dzal, DTS Hayman, CR Hranac, C Lausen, KA Silas, SH奥尔森, RK Plowright. 2021. Body mass and hibernation microclimate may predict bat susceptibility to white-nose 并发症状. Ecology and Evolution 11(1):506-515

  • 麦克卢尔,ML, D,克劳利, CG hasse还, LP McGuire, NW Fuller, DTS Hayman, CL Lausen, RK Plowright, BG Dickson, SH奥尔森 (2020) Linking surface and subterranean climate conditions: implications for the study of hibernating bats and other cave dwellers. 生物圈(10):11 - 17

  • 富勒,NW, LP McGuire, EL Pannkuk, T Blute, CG hasse还, HW Mayberry, TS Risch, CKR Willis (2020) Disease recovery affected by white-nose 并发症状. Experimental 生物学 223(6):1-12

  • •哈斯CG, RJ Fletcher, Jr, DH Slone, JP Reid, SM Butler (2020) Traveling to thermal refuges during stressful temperatures leads to foraging constraints in a central-place forager. Journal of Mammalogy 101(1):271-280

  • •哈斯CG, NW Fuller, CR Hranac, DTS Hayman, LP McGuire, KJO Norquay, KA Silas, CKR Willis, RK Plowright, SH奥尔森 (2019) Incorporating evaporative water loss into bioenergetic models of hibernation to test influence of host and pathogen traits on white-nose 并发症状. 科学通报,14(10):e022231

  • 富勒,NW, CG hasse还, KA Silas, SH奥尔森, LP McGuire (2019) First reported case of diphallia in Corynorhinus townsendii. Western North American Naturalist 79(3):454-457

  • •哈斯CG, NW Fuller, CR Hranac, DTS Hayman, SH奥尔森, RK Plowright, LP McGuire (2019) Bats are not squirrels: revisiting the assumptions of costs of cooling in hibernating mammals. Journal of Thermal 生物学 81:185-193

  • Yang, A, JP Gomez, CG hasse还, KM Proffitt, JK Blackburn (2019) Effects of Brucellosis serological status on physiological conditions and behavioral mechanisms of Southwestern Montana Elk. 野生动物杂志 疾病55 (2):304 - 315

  • •哈斯CG, RJ Fletcher, Jr DH Slone, JP Reid, SM Butler (2017) Landscape complementation revealed through bipartite networks: the Florida manatee. 景观生态学32 (1999-2014)

  • Slone, DH, SM Butler, JP Reid, CG hasse还 (2017) Timing of warm water refuge use in Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge by manatees—results and insights from Global Positioning System telemetry data. US Geological Survey Open-File Report

  • 海沃德,A,帕胡埃洛, CG hasse还, DM Anderson, JF Gillooly (2016) Common metabolic constraints on dive duration in endothermic and ectothermic vertebrates. PeerJ 4: e2569

  • Cross, PC, ES Almberg, CG hasse还, PJ Hudson, S Maloney, M Metz, A Munn, P Nugent, O Putzeys, DR Stahler, AC Stewart, DW Smith (2016) Energetic costs of mange in Yellowstone wolves estimated from infrared thermography. 生态97 (8):1938 - 1948

  • •哈斯CG, AK Long, JF Gillooly (2016) Energetics of stress: Linking plasma cortisol levels 哺乳动物的代谢率. 生物学报12(1):1-4

  • •哈斯CG, HB Underwood (2013) Integrating thermal constraints into habitat suitability for moose in the Adirondack State Park, NY. 酒精度49:49 - 64