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Supported Courses


The Center for Academic Support & Enrichment typically offers 365bet students tutoring for the following courses. Supported courses may vary by semester depending on the courses that our peer tutors have taken. For the most current list email tutoring@rockmark.net. 

  • ACCT 2010/ 2020

  • MATH 1010

  • ASTR 1010/ 1020

  • MATH 1110

  • BIOL 1010

  • MATH 1410/ 1420

  • BIOL 1110

  • MATH 1530/ 1550

  • BIOL 2010/ 2020

  • MATH 1710

  • BIOL 2300

  • MATH 1730

  • CHEM 1010/ 1020

  • MATH 1810

  • CHEM 1110/ 1120

  • MATH 1910/ 1920

  • CHEM 3500/ 3510/ 3520

  • NURS (by cohort)

  • CSCI 1010

  • PHYS 1020

  • ECON 2100/ 2200

  • PHYS 2010/ 2020

  • GEOG 1035

  • PHYS 2110/ 2120

  • GEOG 1045

  • PSYC 1030

  • GEOL 1040

  • PSYC 2010

  • GEOL 1050

  • PSYC 3100

  • HIST 2010/ 2020